Last Updated: 17 Oct, 2024     Views: 306

To make sure the link between your LearnJCU subject site and your Readings list is permanent you need to Save it. This means the list will stay linked even if it is archived.

There is already a link to your full list (if published) in your LearnJCU template (instructions for linking sections).

Click on this link in your LearnJCU subject site and you will be taken to your full list in Readings.

Click on the Save button at the far right of the screen. 

If you see the message 'Relink? To change the linked list or section click here'  at the top of the screen then the link is already saved.

(You have to have a Lecturer or Site Editor role in LearnJCU to see this).

If you are not seeing your list check this FAQ My Readings list is not linking to LearnJCU