Do you have a problem with using One Search? Use the Report an Issue button from the page where you see the issue. You can use this to tell us about any problem with using our online catalogue, including:
Breaches of Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) protocols, or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander lore (law)
Offensive terminology or content
Culturally sensitive information
Broken links
Search result issues
Metadata errors
Click the exclamation mark icon to see the expanded Report an Issue form.
On computers, you will see this at the bottom right of the screen. On smaller screens and mobile devices, you may need to click on the ellipsis (...) at the top right to see this option.
Click on the issue type.
Describe the issue briefly (a link to the problem page is automatically included).
Enter your email address. This is optional but means we can tell you when the issue is resolved, or seek further information.
Click Send.
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We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students, live, learn and work.