Last Updated: 02 Sep, 2024     Views: 59

No, but campuses have the following Chaplaincy facilities:

Townsville Bebegu Yumba Campus

Building 131  has a range of places that students and staff can pray between 9am-6pm each weekday.

There is a Male prayer room for Muslims and a Female prayer room for Muslims – they are encouraged to use the bathrooms to prepare themselves.

There is a Chapel space that is open throughout the day for personal reflection and prayer as well. If you need an individual space, there are a couple of rooms you can walk in and close the door.

You will need to sign in when you arrive and sign out when you leave.

Cairns Nguma-bada Campus

The Cairns JCU Multifaith Chaplaincy has a multifaith prayer room, located in Room A4.032.1

Swipe card access is required for entry and washing facilities are available in the A4 ground level amenities. Please sign in and out using the Sign in sheet in the room.

The facility does not require booking and is accessible 7.00am – 9.00pm daily.