Last Updated: 25 Feb, 2025     Views: 133


As per the current Intellectual Property Policy, all teaching materials developed, created, contributed to or authored by JCU teaching staff is the property of the University. This includes copyright. This includes Honorary Appointees. It does not apply to Background IP (works developed by the teaching staff prior to commencing at university, or as a personal project in their own time) that the lecturer may use for classes, but in using them in your classes you grant the University a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to use, adapt, store and share those materials as needed for the teaching purposes of the class.


Generally speaking, JCU researchers hold copyright over their scholarly research outputs (e.g., books, book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings, creative works, theses etc.).

Exceptions may include:

  • The scholarly output is subject to a contract that states a research or funding body holds copyright
  • The work has been published under conditions in which copyright has been given to the publisher
  • JCU has commissioned the scholarly work

Researchers should take note of agreements regarding copyright when producing or publishing their work.


The University asserts ownership of IP developed by Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Candidates during their candidacy (not applicable to Background IP). Non-HDR students own copyright for their original work, unless otherwise stated in the assignment task description/instructions.