Last Updated: 07 Apr, 2022     Views: 230

To print with your own paper you send the print job to the bypass tray.

You Will Need:


  1. Go to File à Print

  1. Select printer (either Student_Black_Multi or Student_Colour_Multi)

  1. Click on Printer Properties
  2. Click on the arrow next to the paper details
  3. Click on Select by Tray à and select Tray 5 (Bypass)

  1. Click OK and then Print to send your job to the printer


  1. To print from your computer go to File à Print

  1. Select printer (either Student Black Multi TSV/CNS or Student Colour Multi TSV/CNS)

  1. Click on the arrow next to Copies & Pages and then select Paper Feed


  1. Click on the arrow next to All Pages from: and change the tray from Auto Select to Tray 5 (Bypass)

  1. Click on Print to send the job to the printer
The PrinterOn app cannot print directly to the Bypass tray. You need to log onto a JCU computer or download the printers to your personal computer to do this.

Releasing a Print Job

In order to release the print job you have sent to the printer, you will need:

  1. Student ID card
  2. Available print credits on your account (To check your balance go to StudentsOnline)

To release the print job:

  1. Approach a printer or MFD and scan your Student ID card.
  2. The MFD will then log in with your user account
  3. Put your paper in Tray 5 (pull out on side of printer)
  4. On the touch panel, tap on the view print jobs button
  5. Tap on the print job you wish to print, and tap Print or alternatively Print & Save to print the job and keep it in the print queue to print again.
  6. Tap the Log In / Out button on the MFD to log out of your account before leaving.