Last Updated: 12 Jun, 2023     Views: 514

EndNote will always put a corporate author's name in full, if you have entered it correctly, as the program treats company names like surnames (family names). To change the way the author's name is displayed in text, you will need to use Edit and Manage Citations in the EndNote Toolbar in Word.

Change the formatting from "Default" to "Exclude Author" and then write the author abbreviation in the Prefix field, including any punctuation you will need before the year (i.e. the comma and space).

You will need to do this for every citation for which you need to use/include an abbreviation for the author's name.

Screenshot showing the Formatting option as Exclude Author, and an abbreviation in the Prefix field


The first time you use an acronym, you also need to include the full name of the author. If the author's name is in the sentence, and you want the citation to appear like this:

World Health Organization (WHO, 2023)

You will need to exclude the author and type WHO and a comma and a space in the Prefix field.

If you have not used the author's name in the sentence and you want it to appear like this:

(World Health Organization [WHO], 2023)

You will need to exlude the author and type World Health Organization [WHO] and a comma and a space into the prefix field.