Last Updated: 28 Apr, 2021     Views: 120

If you created an image or a work of art (like a photograph, drawing, graph or chart) specifically for that assignment, you do not need to cite it. However, if you wish to make it clear that you have created this image yourself, you can use the words "own work" as part of the caption.


Cairns Library Building, own work
Fig 1. Photograph of Cairns Library building. Own work.


Please note, you will need to check your style to confirm how to lay out the figure heading or caption for your image.

If the image/figure was not created for that assigment,* but was published (made public) previously on a website, blog, social media platform (like Facebook or Instagram) or a site such as Flickr, then you will need to cite it, as it is a published work. Check the style guide or manual for your style to see how to cite that work (Instagram posts may be cited differently from a blog entry, for example).

*N.B. You don't need to worry about using photographs or images that weren't made specifically for that assignment, as long as they haven't been used or published anywhere else. For example, if you found a photograph in your personal files and this is the first time you have used it anywhere, you do not have to cite it.