Last Updated: 30 Nov, 2022     Views: 1115

This solution assumes you are entering your correct password - and that password works with your JCU email account.


In June 2020 remote access (aka elibrary, EZproxy) was switched to JCU's new SSO (Single Sign On) authentication method. In August 2020 LearnJCU, Readings and all JCU services using CAS authentication were redirected to SSO.

For 'Login failure'


SSO has a set of rules for passwords: at least 8 characters with at least one lower case, one upper case and one numeric character. A small group of accounts had pre-existing passwords that did not meet that criteria or had other problems.


Change your password to comply with the new rules will resolve the issue.

If your password won't let you login to change your password please contact the IThelpdesk.

For 'Unauthorised access'


This can happen when you access a link with a session variable in it that has expired. Typically this happens when you have copied the URL for an eResource and used it again at a later time. It can also happen when you use the back button or access a URL from your browser's history that accesses a stale cookie.


Most cases are resolved by clearing cookies (Chrome is particularly susceptible to this).

Use a stable linking solution (like One Search's Permalinks) or return to the resource platform's home page and search for the item.


It this does not solve your issue please see our other online access FAQs.