Last Updated: 24 Nov, 2022     Views: 205

There are several reasons why the library may not have an electronic version of the book you want.

  1. The publisher might not allow it.

The library can only include an eBook in the collection if the publisher’s copyright license allows for multiple users. Many eBooks are only available to individuals, for individual use. They cannot legally be shared with others, and therefore cannot be included in the library collection.

  1. The electronic version was not available at the time of purchase.

Sometimes, print is the only option. Publishers may delay the release of the electronic version of a book until several months after the print version has become available. In these cases, the library may purchase a print copy in order to make the material available in the timeframe required. Some books are never published in electronic form.

  1. No-one has ever asked for it.

If you identify a need for a book, either in print or electronic form, you can use the Suggest a Purchase Request form to request a copy. Library staff will review your recommendation for purchase.