Last Updated: 11 Mar, 2024 Views: 46085
You can change the font and spacing for EndNote Citations in the EndNote ribbon in Word. On a Windows PC, drop down the Bibliography controls using the small arrow in the bottom corner of the box. Click on Layout, and adjust the font and line spacing to match what is required of your document.
For a Mac, click on "configure bibliography" in the EndNote controls in Word.
Problem shooting:
If the EndNote Style you are using has a font other than Plain Font set for the templates, this will over-ride the font chosen in the Configure Bibliography option.
To fix this, go to Tools>Output Styles and click on the option to "Edit" the style you are using. Go to the Templates section of the part of your citations that are formatting in a different font (e.g. Citations for the in-text Citations, Bibliography for the list of works cited) and highlight any text that is not in Plain Font, and change it to Plain Font (you may have to do this to all of the reference types, or only a few).
Save this change to your style. When you update your citations and bibliography, it should refer to the style chosen in the Configure Bibliography manager.
This option isn't available in Macs, as the Mac version of Word ignores your font choices (apart from typographical emphasis, e.g., Bold, Italic, etc) from your templates. If you need to remove typographical emphases, you will need to highlight the text in your template, right click or Control+click and edit the font.
Please note, this will not impact on any quotation marks used in your paper, as EndNote cannot do smart quotes. To see how to change the quotation marks, refer to this FAQ:
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Comments (9)
Thanks for the instructions. However, most people who come to these forums already know this. It would be more helpful if you address the problem when the font in the in-text citation and reference list generated by EN is different to that in the rest of the document. E.g., I find that the apostrophe in the text is curly (in Times Roman) but EndNote inserts a straight apostrophe Francesco on 25 Jul, 2021
Hi, Francesco, That's a good question, so we made a new FAQ to answer it: Remember, if you can't find the answer to your question in our FAQs, you can always submit your question to us by either finding the "Submit Your Question" button or the link to "Leave Us a Question". This is the best way to make sure you get a timely Sharon Bryan on 27 Jul, 2021
I have tried that several times but the citation font doesn't change to match the document fontby Runaaz Ali on 05 Aug, 2021
If the EndNote style that you are using has a style set for the bibliography template, this will over-ride the style set in your Configure Bibliography control. You may need to change this to Plain Font. I have updated the intructions in the FAQ to include this Sharon Bryan on 06 Aug, 2021
in the Journal of Clinical Oncology style format, most of the references are listed with space between each reference, but some do not have the space and it has to be manually entered. how do i fix that?by dan on 06 May, 2022
Sometimes the patterns in the output style have inconsistent punction and spacing, and this comes through to your reference list. If you know how to modify EndNote Styles (see the links here: you can see if you can spot the errors in the pattern and fix them. For more complicated or personalised advice, use the "Leave us a question" link on the FAQs or the "Got a question? Need help?" link on our Connect With Us" page on the website to sent us a more detailed description of what help you need, and we will look more specifically at your Sharon Bryan on 06 May, 2022
Thank you so so so muchby sep on 07 Jul, 2023
To change the font in the template in EndNote, could you please provide instructions for EndNote 21 (on Mac, if that is different)? There is no font box in the location described, and the problem seems to be with the Maartje on 19 Jan, 2024
Hello, Maartje, the instructions have been updated to EndNote 21 now. Macs are different from Windows for font controls, and you won't see the font option in the same place - it's on a right-click (or Command+Click).by Sharon Bryan on 11 Mar, 2024