Last Updated: 03 Sep, 2019 Views: 71
To preserve the Special Collections for both future and current researchers, they are maintained in climate-controlled rooms where humidity and temperature are constantly monitored. Therefore, they are not available for browsing. If attending Special Collections in person, it is advisable to search for items pertaining to your topic and make note of those you would like to peruse prior to attending. During your visit, Special Collections staff will be happy to assist with suggestions to further your search for materials held in the collections. If you are unable to attend in person, you can search online for Special Collections items listed in the catalogue or Library Archive web listing. For items held in collections with no online accessibility, contact the Library or Special Collections by phone or email for advice and assistance.
To begin your research and identify what materials you would like retrieved, the catalogue is the simplest starting point as it lists all materials held in the following collections:
- North Queensland Collection
- Rare Book collection
- Shaw Collection
- Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Collection
- NQ Ephemera
- NQ Maps
A detailed A-Z list of the Library Archives is maintained on the Library webpages. The arrangement of each archive is determined by provenance, that is, papers and records are maintained according to the original order of their creator or source rather than according to a subject classification system.
The North Queensland Photographic Collection and the North Queensland Oral Histories Collection can be searched using specialised electronic finding tools accessible from the Special Collections Reading Room in the Library.
Where possible, two copies are purchased of every new published item acquired for the North Queensland Collection, with one being held in the Main borrowing collection, which is available for loan. In cases where the Library holds both printed and microfilm copy of a North Queensland newspaper, serial, or monograph, the microfilm copy will be made available.
All items which are substantially about North Queensland (e.g., local place names and topics), have had extra subject keywords assigned to them for easier identification. To search under North Queensland Subject Keywords in the catalogue, choose "NQ subject keywords" from the drop down menu.
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