Last Updated: 29 Aug, 2019     Views: 88

If you want to share the entire library

You can share your entire library with up to 100 other EndNote X7 or X8 users.

First you must all have an EndNote Online account. To do this in EndNote X8 click on the Sync icon at the top (two arrows making a circle) and then click 'Sign Up'.

Here is a link to an interactive tutorial showing you this process of signing up for EndNote Online.


Once you have all created your EndNote Online accounts, one of you will share the library with the others.

The person who is doing the sharing:

In EndNote, click on File, then Share, then enter the email addresses of the other people whom you wish to share with. They will receive an email and instructions.

Here is a video on library sharing in EndNote X8.

If you do not want to share the entire library, but just a group, you do that from within EndNote Online

In EndNote Online:

Click on the Organize tab > Manage My Groups, then tick the groups you wish to share

Add the email addresses of the people you wish to share with, then tick the level of access (either 'Read Only' or 'Read & Write').