Last Updated: 17 Dec, 2021     Views: 132

Below are the instructions for exporting multiple items from One Search, or an existing reading list, and adding them to your personal Bookmarks in Readings.

This procedure is similar in databases that allow you to export RIS (or Endnote) files.

There are two main steps in the process, creating a RIS file from the Readings list or database, then importing that file into your bookmarks in Readings.

How to export multiple bookmarks from One Search:

1. Open One Search 

2. Search for article or books you want to bookmark

3. Save each item you require  by clicking on the Pin symbol next to the title.   Do this for each item.

4. Go to Pinned items by clicking on top right Pin symbol   

Selecting this button will open a new page, your saved items will be listed.

5. Select the options menu (three horizontal dots )

Then select  Export to RIS /Endnote  


6. Save file with a memorable name (how this option appears will depend on the browser you are using), in a place you can easily find (e.g. the subject code). Note the file may try and open in Endnote if you have it on your computer to avoid this open from your downloads folder.

Once this file is saved go to the Import to Readings instructions below.


How to export multiple bookmarks from an existing Reading list:

1. Go to Readings and login with your JC number and password

2. Enter the subject code or name for the list you want to copy bookmarks from (make sure you select thenot the )

3. Select View and View as Student

3. Select View & Export drop down menu and Export to RIS


4. Save file with a memorable name (how this option appears will depend on the browser you are using), in a place you can easily find (e.g. the subject code). Note the file may try and open in Endnote if you have it on your computer to avoid this open from your downloads folder.

Once this file is saved go to the Import to Readings instructions below.


Import to Readings

1. Go to Readings and Login

2. Select  

3. Select Add and Import citations


4. You will see a pop-up. Select Choose file and select the .ris file you saved in the above steps

5. Select Import

Note: Once imported you can add the bookmarks to a list by using the Add resource option and searching for the title.