Last Updated: 15 Dec, 2021     Views: 195

You can improve the quality of references associated with your readings by editing the metadata. 

You can do this when you are creating your bookmark, or by selecting Edit in the item menu (3 dots to right of item).

Below is a table showing the most appropriate details to include with each resource type. 

Please note this table may be updated.

For further assistance contact the library.




What are you bookmarking?

Resource type and fields


 Journal Article


Check both tabs


Tab 1: Resource Type- Article

Title (Sentence case)


Date (Year only)




DOI (if available)


Tab 2: Resource Type- Journal


EISSN & ISSN (if available)


  • Remove web address for subscribed materials, ensure  it is linked to the Open URL.

  • Avoid bookmarking from PDFs. Bookmark from Abstract  page instead.

  • Request digitisation for any articles not linked to an online source (if you have your own PDF you can upload it as part of the Request digitisation process).

  • If you are having trouble bookmarking from a particular  database check the FAQs to see if there is a workaround.



Resource type Book


Author (or Editors for edited books)


Edition (if not first)-Nth ed.

ISBN10 or ISBN13



Place of publication (City, state abb. if USA; City, Country if outside USA)


Web address (only for whole book)

DOI (if available for whole book)


  • Request digitisation for print only materials- including prescribed texts. We may only scan up to one chapter or 10% of the total book under copyright law.
  • Remember, eBooks may have limited concurrent users if  it is a purchase, or if in a subscribed database, they may not be permanent. When bookmarking these items  add a library note so access can be checked.
  • Some eBooks allow bookmarking direct to chapters others do not
 Chapter of Book


 Bookmark from Book entry and edit metadata as per book  then Add field "Has part..."

Chapter title

Author of chapter (if different to book author)

Page range


Web address for chapter (remove Web address from Book tab)

DOI for chapter (if available)


  • Request digitisation after Bookmark has been added to  list. We may only scan up to one chapter or 10% of  the total book under copyright law.
  • Remember eBooks may have limited concurrent users if it is a purchase, or if in a subscribed database, they may not be permanent. When bookmarking these items  add a library note so access can be checked.
 Webpage/ Website


Resource type- Webpage or Website


Author (May be organisation not individual)

Date (if available)

Web Address


  • A website is the whole site. It will not have any / at the end e.g.
  • A webpage is a sub-section of the website and will be separated from the main URL with / e.g
  • Just because something is online that does not mean you must bookmark it as a website/webpage, it may actually be an article, book, or document. 


Resource type- Document




Web address


  • Request digitisation for any documents not linked to an online source (if you have your own PDF you can upload it  as part of the Request digitisation process).

 Newspaper article/Magazine/


 (Bookmark as Article in  Journal - the above options are not currently available)

Tab 1: Resource Type Article

Title (Sentence case)


Date (dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 27/02/2009)


Web address

Tab 2: Resource Type Journal

Title (Title Case)

ISSN (make sure there is a hyphen in the middle)


  • Request digitisation for any articles not linked to an online source (if you have your own PDF you can upload it as part of the Request digitisation process).

 Any video/sound recording

 (Including YouTube, TedTalks etc.)


Resource type- Audiovisual



Date (yyyy/mm/dd e.g. 2009/02/23)

Web address


  • Include format type in square brackets after the title  e.g [Video file] for YouTube videos or [Audio file] for Soundcloud


 Bookmark as document


Resource type- Document




Web address


  • Request digitisation for any articles not linked to an online source (if you have your own PDF you can upload it as part of the Request digitisation process).
 Encyclopedia or dictionary


Bookmark as a chapter of a book.




Bookmark as document or article depending on format. Very variable choose closest relevant format.



Case Study

Bookmark as document


Resource type- Document




Web address