Last Updated: 07 Jul, 2022     Views: 151


Usually a Firefox Add-On is causing a conflict with EZproxy's automatic URL rewriting.


To quickly determine whether Add-Ons are the cause

  1. Start Firefox in safe mode (wikiHow instructions)
  2. Try to access the resource again

If it works than an Add-On is causing the issue

If this does not resolve your issue please contact the Library


To identify and disable the problem Add-On(s)

  1. Turn off all your Add-Ons in Firefox (Mozilla Support instructions)
  2. Turn on one Add-Ons at a time and test remote access after each
  3. When you identify an Add-On that 'breaks' EZproxy set it to 'disabled' and test the next one.

It this does not solve your issue please see our other online access FAQs.