Last Updated: 07 Jul, 2022     Views: 334

The Library welcomes donations based on the following criteria:

  • within the scope of the Library's Collection Development Guidelines
  • no duplication with materials already held in the collection
  • materials are in good physical condition, e.g. undamaged, free of pests and have not been significantly defaced
  • the Library has the resources to process and maintain the materials
  • no restrictions by the prospective donor on the disposition and use of the material offered except with the prior approval of the Director, Library and Information Services
  • format is such that the Library is able to provide adequate access to the materials.

In regards to periodicals (magazines, journals, serials) the following guidelines may apply:

  •  The Library will not normally accept print periodicals available electronically from the Library either by subscription or in digital collections.
  • Print periodicals may be accepted according to the following guidelines:
    • Individual issues/volumes which fill gaps in the print collection or fill gaps in the North Queensland collections.
    • Individual title runs of five years or more where a new subscription will be placed, or the title is significant for the collection.
    • back set holdings which extend or complete the runs of print holdings and which are significant for the collection
    • to provide a preservation copy if desired for special collections, including the rare book collection and the North Queensland collections.

Receipt of Donations

The Library normally will only accept receipt of donations if the donor has contacted and discussed the donation with nominated Library staff prior to delivery. Here is the Donations Form

For further information please contact The Library.