Last Updated: 05 Jan, 2023 Views: 1850
Last Updated: 05 Jan, 2023 Views: 1850
- Go to the Study Rooms Bookings web page and click on the Nguma-bada (Smithfield) or Bebegu Yumba (Douglas) Room Bookings explorer
- The bookings explorer displays all of today's available times in all available rooms in half hour blocks (you can scroll right through the next few days, or jump 3 days forward using the > button, or use the date Go To Date button to see other days)
- In your chosen room (click on Info to see a room's capacity and configuration) click the start time of your booking, which will automatically select a 2 hour block
- If you want a shorter booking select your preferred end time from the dropdown below the list of rooms
- If you want a completely different start time or room click the trash icon below the list of rooms
- Click Submit Times
- Your Booking Details are displayed (click Change if you want to change them)
- Enter your first name and last name and JCU student email address (i.e. need to use your email address)
- Click Submit my Booking
- Click Make Another Booking to create another booking or close the tab.
- Check your student email account for a verification message
- Click on the first link to confirm the booking or the second link to cancel it (you have 6 hours to confirm or the booking will automatically disappear)
- You will receive a confirmation email (which you can use to cancel the booking later if required)
- You can book up to a month ahead
- You must have a JCU student email address
- Maximum booking per person is two hours per day
- If you change your mind the confirmation email has instructions for removing the booking
- All bookings start on the hour and half hour
- If you do not arrive at the room within 15 minutes of your booked time the booking is considered cancelled and the room is then free to the occupant until the next booking commences
- Please be aware of the Library Service Charter when using these rooms
- You can filter the rooms displayed by the number of attendees '1 to 4' or '5 to 9'
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