Last Updated: 12 Feb, 2021     Views: 10630

In APA 7th, you can use a link shortener (like tinyurl or bitly) to create a friendly URL for your reference list. You need to make sure the link you are shortening is stable - that is, you can still click on the link several days later and it will still take you to that article.

In APA 6th, if you can’t find the DOI of a journal article, you use the URL of the home page of the journal - not the URL of the article itself. Google the name of the journal to find the URL of the home page of the journal and use that instead.

Don't use the links that One Search gives you when you click on the cite options, as those URLs are likely to take you to the record in One Search rather than the article. Instead, go to the article itself and find either the URL for the article or the URL for the journal.

See the examples on the journal article page of the APA Guide