Last Updated: 09 Dec, 2022     Views: 567

The library purchases copies of prescribed texts for students to borrow. These items may be in high demand and may have a short loan period of three days. Please keep in mind that students are expected to purchase copies of their textbooks, and the library only holds a small number of copies to help provide a backup or stop-gap. You should not assume a library copy will always be available.

The library tries to buy textbooks as an eBook whenever it is possible. However not all publishers will sell textbooks in eBook format to libraries. If your prescribed text is available as an eBook for the library to purchase, it will be made available through One Search on the library's homepage. Licence conditions set by the publisher will determine how many people can access the book at one time, and how much you can download and print. The library aims to provide you with the most flexible access available.

If you have checked One Search for your textbook but it is not listed, you can complete a Purchase Request form.  However, you may want to purchase your own personal copy of the textbook, which you can do using this link