Last Updated: 01 Feb, 2022     Views: 826

Library fine payments can be made:

  • Online (current JCU staff and students only)
    •  Log into One Search --> Go to Library Account --> Fines and Fees --> Pay Fine
      (You can also get to My Library Account from the Borrow and Renew tile on the Library's home page)
    • When prompted make sure to login with the JCU SSO option - not email
  • In person at the ground floor Library service desks
  • Telephoning with your debit/credit card details 1800 246 446 (select option 3)

Payments can take up to two business days to process.

If the debt has been referred to the University's debt collection agency, the fine can be paid to them or the Library. Payments made directly to the Debt Collector may take longer to clear from your account.