Last Updated: 05 Jan, 2023     Views: 298

You can return your books to the library at any time.

During Opening Hours:

  • Use the Express Loans machines located on the ground floor of the library. Do not use your ID card.  Just press 'Check-in' then scan the JCU barcode of the book. The system will show a green tick when it has been checked in. Place the book in the Returns chute.
    • If the system shows a message or does not display the green tick, place it in the chute for staff to check in.
  • You can also place your books in the after hours returns chutes. However please note these are only checked in twice a day.

 During the hours where the library is closed:

  • . When the library is closed, use the return chutes located near library entrances. Staff check these items in when the library opens each morning.